Ethics and morals relate to ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ conduct. Even though they are sometimes used interchangeably, they are different:

Ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, e.g., codes of conduct in workplaces or principles in religions. Morals refer to an individual’s own principles regarding right and wrong.

Ethics are dependent on others for definition. They tend to be consistent within a certain context, but can vary between contexts. Morals are usually consistent, although can change if an individual’s beliefs change.

A person strictly following Ethical Principles may not have any Morals at all. A Moral Person always choose to follow a code of ethics as it has become part of his behavior.


Based on the relevance of morality and ethics, different views have been formed. They are Unitarian view, separatist view and integrated view.


Unitarian View

Unitarian view argues that morality and ethics are related to business. Here both these terms are considered same to a great extent and parts of the business.


Separatist View

The Separatist view expresses that, business should concentrate on profits, and ethics and morality do not form a part of business. This view believes that both ethics and morality are different and separate from business.


Integration View

The Integration view defines a new area called business ethics, where ethical behavior and business are integrated. As per this view both morality and ethics are needed in business also. This is where business ethics is formed.