Total Quality Management is a comprehensive and structured approach to improve quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback. It is an art of managing the whole functions of an organization to achieve excellence. TQM can be considered as a philosophy and also as a set of standards to ensure quality of performance and products, through continuous evaluation and improvement.


Definition of TQM

TQM is a way of organizing and involving the whole organization, every department, every activity and every single person at every level with a view to improve the effectiveness and flexibilities of business as a whole.

TQM is a management philosophy, a paradigm, and a continuous improvement approach of doing business through a new management model which aims at quality in all areas of organization.

Total Quality Management is a method by which management and employees can become involved in the continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. It is a combination of quality and management tools aimed at increasing the business and reducing losses due to wasteful practices (Gilbert, 1992)


Nature and Features of Total Quality Management

Ø   TQM is a comprehensive, organization-wide effort to improve quality of products and services, and therefore applicable to all areas of organizations.

Ø   TQM recognizes role of everyone in the organization.

Ø   TQM emphasizes teamwork 

Ø   Total Quality Management (TQM) increases customer satisfaction by boosting quality.

Ø   Total quality is ensured by the management by motivating the workforce and improving the way the company operates.

Ø   TQM ensures that the management adopts a strategic overview of the quality and focuses on prevention rather than inspection.

Ø   TQM is a philosophy which applies equally to all parts of the organization.

Ø   TQM places the customer at the forefront of quality decision making.

Ø   TQM allocates greater emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of every member of staff within an organization to influence quality.

Ø   All persons in the organization are empowered and motivated as part of quality management.

Ø   TQM is the application of quantitative methods and human resources to improve all the processes within an organization.

Ø   TQM always aims at exceeding customer needs so as to delight them.