Everett Roger identifies
five stages in the diffusion process. These five stages are knowledge,
persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation.
knowledge is the awareness about various aspects of the innovation. It may be
about the uses, operations, price, benefits and consequences of using the
product etc. An Individual who comes to know the product, may not buy and use
it unless he has sufficient information or knowledge about the innovation.
Persuasion: In
this stage, an individual who comes to know the innovation, is showing more
interest in the new innovation. Under this stage of persuasion, he is seeking
for more information about the innovation.
Decision: Decision
is the third stage of diffusion. In this stage, an individual analyses the
positives and negatives of the innovation and decide whether to accept or
reject the innovation. Decision stage is considered the most relevant phase of
diffusion process.
The fourth stage of
diffusion is Implementation: under this stage he starts to use the
innovation. Thus, he identifies more about the innovation and collect more
information about the usefulness of the innovation.
The final stage is Confirmation:
at this stage, the individual conforms or finalize the decision and continue to
use the innovation with full potential.