Implementation of TQM in an organization is not an easy task. A number
of obstacles may occur while trying to implement TQM. Following are some of the
common problems:
Lack of Management Commitment: Committed management is essential to implement TQM in any organization.
When management fails to promote and support the efforts, it will ultimately
fail to meet expectations. Management must involve in the process frequently and
should take initiative.
Inability to Change Organizational Culture: Resistance to change is seen among a lot of people. Fear of
change must be addressed, past labor-management conflicts must be resolved, and
the organization’s focus must change from maintaining the status quo. If
motivation is lacking, frustration and stress are likely to happen. There must
be special efforts from the part of management to convince the employees
regarding the importance of TQM.
Lack of Continuous Training & Education: Continuous training is must for implementing TQM. It is highly
essential to make familiarize the employees with quality standards and methods.
If there is any deficiency in training and education, implementation will fail.
Ineffective Measurement Techniques and Lack
of Access to Data and Results: TQM relies on data-based
decision making. Timely availability of accurate and reliable data is must for
successful implementation of TQM. Decision
makers mainly apply data analysis and interpretation in their decision-making
process. Any shortcoming will result in failure of TQM
Paying Inadequate Attention to Internal
and External Customers: Generally, the
organisations give special attention to external customers. Total quality can
be ensured only by giving adequate attention to both internal and external
customers. Failure in this will result in problems.
Autocratic Style of Leadership: If autocratic style of leadership is adopted in the
organisation, it creates an environment of fear. Because of this fear,
employees may not contribute their maximum and this degrades their productivity.
It will ultimately affect quality adversely.
Lack of Employee Commitment: Committed employees and their whole hearted support are
required to implement TQM. As employees are directly related with the
production process, lack of commitment on their part can render the whole
process of quality management useless.
Improper Channel of Communication: There must be effective flow of communication among employees
and management. For getting the lucrative results of the plans it is necessary
that all the information flow in the organization at right time and in right
manner. Problems in the communication channel act as a barrier in achieving the
quality results.
Quality Certifications are Viewed as Bureaucratic
Exercise: Some companies treat quality certification as bureaucratic exercise.
Here the top management become passive and it may adversely affect quality.
Quality should be the responsibility of all persons in the organization.
Problems in Identifying Customer Needs: Companies often fail in identifying the needs of customers.
This may occur because of inaccurate information about customers, improper
survey, and wrong interpretation of facts etc. This may result in supply of
unwanted product to the customer and hence defeat the main objective of customer