four views on consumer
decision making
consumer decIsion making
is the selection of an action from two or more choices. Generally, decision
making is regarded as a cognitive process of selecting one from two or more
alternative choices; because it is argued that we usually take decisions, after
properly evaluating the situations and circumstances.
However, there are four different arguments on this. This is known as Four
Views on Consumer Decision Making. These are Economic view, Passive view,
Cognitive View and Emotional View.
The four views explain why individuals behave as they do. The views are
also called as Models of consumer decision making. They are Economic Model,
Passive Model, Cognitive Model and Emotional Model.
Economic Model/
Economic View
Economic model is a rational model. As per this view, consumers make
decisions in a rational manner, after considering everything about the product.
Here, the consumer, examines and evaluates the benefits and defects of the
product before making a buying decision. It assumes that, consumer is aware of
all product alternatives and he compares various products, evaluates benefits
and defects and take a purchase decision on the basis of all these.
There are some arguments against this view.
Man cannot always be rational in purchase
People are limited by skills, habits, values,
perceptions and not always be rational and logical.
Economic model is suitable for a market condition
where there is perfect competition. Consumers live in a world of imperfect competition.
Therefore, Economic model is considered unrealistic.
Passive Model/ Passive
As per this view, consumers are passive and basically submissive to the advertisements
and other strategies of marketers. This means that, consumers respond directly
to the sales and advertisement appeals and make decisions as a response to the
promotional efforts of marketers.
Passive model is opposite to the rational model. There are some
arguments against this model also:
Consumers have the ability to collect information
and take purchase decisions accordingly.
Consumers are capable of evaluating information
about product alternatives and then can make wise purchases.
We cannot say that the consumers are always buying
things only because of the marketing efforts of the marketers.
Therefore, the passive model is also considered unrealistic.
Cognitive Model/Cognitive
Cognitive view portrays the consumer as a thinking man. This model
states that the consumers make purchase decisions on the basis of their own
interest and understanding of the market. In this model, consumers are taking
decisions neither fully according to their own investigative thinking nor
attracted completely by the promotional efforts of marketers; but they make
decisions based on their own interest and the understanding of demand.
As per this view, the consumer mainly considers the risks associated
with the purchase; such as personal risk, financial risk, social risk etc. However,
we cannot say that the consumer considers all RISKS and its consequences in
detail. Practically consumers do not collect and evaluate all information and
related risk factors. Thus, the cognitive decision becomes more practical. Therefore,
cognitive view is considered the best of the four models, of consumer decision
Emotional Model/Emotional
Emotional model says that when consumers make decisions, usually they become
emotional with purchases or possessions and as a consequence make purchases
impulsively. It means that consumers use less time to think about whether the
product is necessary for them or not. As per this view, at the time of
purchasing a luxury product, consumers make more impulsive purchases when they
relate themselves with a product or service. A person who buys a Rolls-Royce
car never think of its price, but thinks about the purchase and possession of
the car.
The emotional view or model states that all consumers are emotional and
act upon their emotions while making a purchase decision. They take less time
to think whether the product is necessary for them or not, but develop negative
or positive emotions related with the product. Products that bring negative
emotions are avoided and products that bring positive emotions are bought.