Elements of TQM can also be termed as components of TQM or beliefs, aspects and practices of TQM. TQM is built upon these elements.


Be Customer Focused: It means - put the customers first. To achieve this, the company should check customers' attitudes regularly and should develop products accordingly.


Constantly Improve: Continuous improvement allows the company gradually to get better. There is no break or full stop for the improvement actions. It is a nonstop activity.


Do It Right at The First Time Itself: Quality is to be ensured from the first step onwards. There is no relaxation or compromise in this policy. It will reduce the amount of defective work. It also means avoiding rework.


Quality Is an Attitude: Everyone has to be committed to quality. Quality should be the aim and intention of all persons attached to the organization. It  changes the attitude of the entire workforce, and alters the way the company operates.


Telling Staff What is Going On: Effective and timely communication can reduce a lot of defects. There must be smooth and sincere flow of communication among the members of the organization. This involves improved communication. Typically, it includes team briefing. It gives an awareness to everyone regarding what is going on inside and outside.


Organize by Process, Not by Function: This means that, there should be proper supervision and inspection in every stage of production process. There is no meaning in the inspection of final product only. To avoid deficiencies, it should be found out at the very first instance itself. This element of TQM seeks to reduce the barriers that exist between different departments.


Measure the Work: Measurement allows the company to make decisions based on facts. It helps to maintain standards and keep processes within the agreed tolerances.


Make it A Good Place to Work: The work environment of many companies is filled with fear or favoritism. Staffs must be vigilant not be afraid. There is no point in running a TQM program unless the company drives out fear and favoritism.


Top Management Must be Involved: If senior management is not involved, the programme will fail. They should not keep away from matters, assigning important tasks on others.


Introduce Team Work: Team work boosts employees' morale. It reduces conflict and solves problems by hitting them with a wider range of skills. It pushes authority and responsibility downwards and provides better, more balanced solutions.