Diffusion is the process of
spreading an innovation in a society. Generally, the word ADOPTION is used by
some to denote the diffusion. The word ADOPTION means a kind of acceptance; but
adoption is used to denote the acceptance of a new idea or situation by an
individual. When each and every individual accepts and uses the innovation, it
is called adoption. Here the person is called adopter. Don’t get confused with
the two words - Diffusion and Adoption.
is an individual process of accepting an innovation. But diffusion is a social
phenomenon. Diffusion signifies a group of people or society and suggests how
an innovation spreads in society. When all or more individuals in a society
adopts an innovation, it is called diffusion.
People are different in
behaviour and all cannot adopt the innovations in the same way. Some persons
are ready to accept the innovation very quickly, but some others hesitate to go
for a new idea or product.
Types of Innovation Adopters
Based on the degree to which an individual adopts the innovation, the adopters have been categorised into five different types. They are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.
No. of People
Passage of Time
This is the innovation adoption curve. The X axis denotes time and Y axis denotes number of people adopts the innovation.
Innovators: Innovators are
venturesome people –They are willing to take risks, have financial liquidity
and interaction with other innovators. Such people come forward to use the new
idea as a challenge. You might have seen people who wants to see the fils in
the releasing day itself. Or there are some people who purchases the brand new
smart phones in the launching day itself. As per studies, such innovators
belong to 2.5% of the customers.
Early Adopters: An early adopter is a person who embraces new technology before most other people do.
The term early adopter refers
to an individual or business who uses a new product, innovation, or technology
before it becomes widely known or used. These people are also interested
in buying the new products without delay. They make up roughly 14 percent of
the population.
Early Majority: early majority
comes after innovators and early adopters. Such persons are ready to make use
of new technology after observing its nature and functions. This group consists
of 34% of population.
Late Majority: They adopt an
innovation only after a majority of people have tried it. They may have below
average social status and little financial liquidity compared to early majority
people. This group consists of 34% of population.
Laggards: They are the last to adopt an innovation. These individuals typically
have an aversion to changes. Laggards typically rely on "traditions",
and usually in contact with only family and close friends. 16% of population is
consisted of laggards.